The Law of Similars

Homoeopathy and Like Cures Like

The Law of Similars as a natural law of cure was originally formulated by Hippocrates and later developed by the German physician Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843). Homeopathy is based on the principle “like cures like” wherein a substance that when taken causes symptoms in a healthy person. The same substance was found to remove those unique symptoms in someone displaying those symptoms when unwell.

Hahnemann’s research found that using highly dilute doses of medicine in the treatment of his patients reduced any harmful effects caused by administering crude doses. Homeopathy’s minimum dose aims to catalyse the healing response to restore balance on all levels. Homeopathic medicine relieves physical symptoms and restores calm to the mental and emotional states also.

Homeopathy is unique in that it addresses the individual as a complete system, seeking the source of the malady in one diagnosis and remedy prescription. The homeopathic method is determined by addressing the often unconscious precipitating factors of dis-ease, and the selection of the individual’s remedy will be dependent on eliciting the causes and consequent manifestations of ill health. An initial consultation is therefore an in-depth exploration of the individual’s unique stance and perception of their place in the world. Accordingly the consultation is often a rewarding and enlightening experience eliciting a profound understanding of the creative portraying of one’s life.

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